Colorectal Cancer Screening Services

Colorectal Cancer Screening Services

Are you due for colorectal cancer screening in John’s Creek, GA? Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, but it is also highly preventable and treatable when detected early. At our gastroenterology clinic, we provide comprehensive colorectal cancer screening services to help you maintain optimal digestive health and reduce your risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Colorectal Cancer Screening Services
Colorectal Cancer Screening Services

Why Colorectal Cancer Screening is Important

Colorectal cancer often develops from precancerous polyps in the colon or rectum, which can be detected and removed during screening procedures. Early detection through regular screening can significantly improve treatment outcomes and increase the chances of survival. Colorectal cancer screening is recommended for individuals aged 45 and older, as well as those with certain risk factors such as a family history of colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.

Our Colorectal Cancer Screening Services

  • Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy is a gold standard screening test for colorectal cancer, allowing our gastroenterologists to visualize the entire colon and rectum using a flexible tube with a camera. During the procedure, any abnormal growths or polyps can be identified and removed for further evaluation.
  • Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): FIT is a non-invasive screening test that detects hidden blood in the stool, which can be an early sign of colorectal cancer or other gastrointestinal conditions. FIT is convenient, easy to perform at home, and does not require any dietary restrictions or preparation.
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: Similar to a colonoscopy, a flexible sigmoidoscopy allows our gastroenterologists to examine the lower portion of the colon and rectum for polyps or abnormalities. This procedure is often recommended as a less invasive option for colorectal cancer screening.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Services

Schedule an Appointment

Don’t wait until it’s too late—take charge of your digestive health and schedule your colorectal cancer screening today. Early detection can save lives, and our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us now to book your screening appointment and prioritize your well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Colorectal cancer screening is recommended for individuals aged 45 and older, although screening may begin earlier for those with certain risk factors or a family history of colorectal cancer.
The frequency of colorectal cancer screening depends on the type of screening test used, your age, and your overall risk factors. Our gastroenterologists will recommend a screening schedule tailored to your individual needs.
Many insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid, cover the cost of colorectal cancer screening tests. Our staff can assist you in verifying your insurance coverage and navigating any financial concerns.
While colorectal cancer screening procedures such as colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy are generally safe, there is a slight risk of complications such as bleeding, perforation, or adverse reactions to sedation. Our experienced gastroenterologists prioritize patient safety and take appropriate measures to minimize risks.
Scheduling a colorectal cancer screening at our gastroenterology clinic is easy. Simply contact our office, and our friendly staff will assist you in scheduling an appointment at a convenient time.